Climate Companies to Watch
created Nov 21, 2022 (updated: 12/05/22)
Tags: climate, hope
In my research on climate companies, I've come across a lot of companies that have a lot of buzzwords in their descriptions, but it's hard to tell what they actually do. Then there are companies with a very clear idea and easily discernible impact. I thought I'd keep a list of some companies that I think are doing exciting work. I'll update the list as I come across more... so far they are just in alphabetical order.
Solution Area: Electrification
Installing affordable heat pumps in residential buildings and historically underserved neighborhoods.
There's a great MCJ Collective podcast episode with the founder Donnel Baird.
Earthshot Labs
Solution Area: Restoration, Nature-Based Solutions
A platform to make financing for ecological restoration easier, offering ecological forecasting, financial modeling and risk assessment for investors and land stewards.
Their work culture also seems pretty unique, and they put the requirement for indigenous equitability front-and-center.
Form Energy
Solution Area: Energy Storage
Renewable energy is famously "bursty" so needs energy storage solutions. Form Energy has developed an iron-air battery capable of storing electricity for 100 hours at system costs competitive with legacy power plants.
Full Harvest
Solution Area: Food Waste
Online B2B marketplace connecting farmers with commercial produce buyers where they can purchase surplus and imperfect produce.
Novi Connect
Solution Area: Supply Chain Transparency
Integrates a lot of info from the global raw materials market, which is traditionally quite fragmented and opaque, to help companies verify that all the ingredients and packaging used for their products meet their promised ethical and environmental standards. Started in clean beauty products, but is now branching out to food and household items.
Solution Area: Regenerative Agriculture
MRV (Measure, Verify, Report) software and more for regenerative agriculture.
Solution Area: Circular Economy
Takes everything from an office building that isn't being used in one company and puts it on marketplace for other companies. There is so much office waste that can't be easily recycled and almost brand-new. Just from personal observation, kind of appalling. I can't find the financial numbers or tonnage of things that would be saved from landfill, but I'm sure it would be huge.
Solution Area: Earth Satellite Monitoring & Public Accountability
Uses the same remote sensing techniques traditionally used by resource-extraction industry (that use them to find and exploit mining or drilling sites) to identify harmful human activites that might otherwise be obfuscated (e.g., forest clearcutting, oil spillage). Also uses machine learning. Publishes data and maps for free to the public to hold industries and governments accountable.
Solution Area: Climate Investing
Finally provides climate-friendly fund option for the 401(k) platforms that your company uses. There is currently $320 billion invested in fossil fuel companies through 401(k)s, and most 401(k) platforms don't have an option to pick a ready-made fossil-fuel free fund.
Solution Area: Carbon Transformation
Chemical company started by academics from Stanford University, now doing R&D at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
Takes CO2 + water + renewable energy + catalyst --> ::: undergoes transformation that they call industrial photosynthesis::: --> yields carbon products that were traditionally created through petrochemicals.
This not only pulls CO2 from the air, but also could make the transition off petrochemicals much easier for society. They want to normalize 'CO2Made' label on products.
Solution Area: Electric Grid
Works with 3 segments of the problem area: utilities, OEMs, and EV drivers to build the infrastructure needed across the country to make electic car charging super easy.