A Guide to Learning Web Dev for Software Engineers

created Nov 7, 2022
Tags: front-end

I wanted to make note of some high-quality courses and excellent teachers here. This is the path I took to dive into web development.

The Odin Project

HTML / CSS (Flexbox, CSS Grid)

I actually came across this project in 2014 when it was first getting started and really liked it, so when I was getting back into learning again, I was glad to see that it was still around and even better!

High quality content, all free, community-sourced, and project-based.

It also goes into either Ruby on Rails or a Node.js track, but by the time I got to the 6th project, I wanted to dive deeper into React. That was when I found...


React, Responsive Design

Bob Ziroll does a really good job with this Learn React for free course.

He explains concepts clearly, you get to practice in the browser by yourself (using their 'scrims'), and by the end of the course, I was ready to start on my own project from scratch. Scrimba also has an active Discord community where you can ask any questions.

That is when I realized I needed to learn responsive design. I went through the 'Responsive Design' module in the Frontend Developer Career Path, taught by Kevin Powell, and this was also quite helpful.

That was when I jumped off into my crossword project for about three months.

Afterwards, I wanted a deeper dive into JavaScript, and found...

Frontend Masters

Advanced JavaScript

Will Sentance is an amazingly engaging teacher. If I am being honest, learning the intricacies of different programming languages is not a passion of mine, but I was riveted the whole time.

I went through his JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2 and The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js.

To Do

I've also started watching:

All the Frontend Masters courses I have looked at so far have been really high quality.

Other things on my to-do list:

I'll update this as I go through them!