Angela Hsu face
yes, this is the only picture of me, I use it everywhere
Hi, I'm

Angela Hsu


I am a versatile and experienced software engineer who is looking to use my skills to help create a more sustainable and caring future. To that end, I am actively looking for my next position in the climate or civic tech space.

I am proficient in React, JavaScript, and Python, as well as continuous deployment processes with Docker and Kubernetes. I have been working professionally on the DevOps side for the past several years, so I decided to take some time to bolster my front-end skills. This website is to show what I have been working on!


Image Credit: catalyststuff

Portfolio Blog Website

React Performance Framework

Nov 2022
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • MDX
  • MUI
  • Vercel

This site leverages Next.js to do static-site generation for better performance. It uses a Jamstack architecture with MDX to provide a more intuitive and richer blogging experience. This was also my first foray into TypeScript for better maintainability over JavaScript, and I used the MUI React component library and style utilities to follow industry best practices for user experience.

Screenshots of

Crossword with Me

Full-Stack Client-Server App

Jul 2022 - Oct 2022
  • React
  • Redux
  • WebSockets
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • Firebase
  • GCP
  • NoSQL
  • Authn
  • Heroku
*Note: Anonymous individual play allowed soon! For now, you still need to authenticate to play.

This project stemmed from me taking screenshots of the NYTimes crossword app to ask my friend if she knew a 4-letter word that would fit the clue "___ plaisir!" and other such French clues. I thought - what better way to celebrate the diversity of all my friends' unique perspectives? We might not be able to solve a Saturday puzzle by ourselves, but dagnabbit, we could do it together. And thus, the live, collaborative crossword app was born.

I started with a React front-end, and realized I needed better state management so later added Redux. For tracking friends' edits and cursors in real-time, I used the WebSocket API with For a quick way to verify one was playing with one's actual friends, I added Google authentication. I also used Firebase's Real-Time Database to persist weekly games and Firebase Cloud Functions to pull the crossword puzzle daily.

Credit: Ada Chiu

Odin & Scrimba Projects

Front-end Foundations

Feb 2022 - Jun 2022
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Check out my first baby projects!

Some desktop-only sites:

And my first responsive designs:


My professional journey so far

University of Texas logo


BS in Computer Science

Austin, TX

I went back to school to study Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin (my first degree was in English Literature). My first programming languages were C++ and Java.

ARL logo


Applied Research Labs

Austin, TX

While I was at UT, I worked at ARL in the Space & Geophysics department, where I collaborated with physicists and engineers to help process geospatial data and automate distribution to agencies around the world. This is where I discovered the joy of Python.

Venn diagram figure with Optaros in the middle and Strategy, Design, and Development circles overlapping


Optaros (now MRM)

Austin, TX

After graduating, I worked at a small e-commerce consulting company where I was introduced to mobile development and created a gamified Android app for a large client. I also helped a rapidly expanding local company scale out their e-commerce capabilities by migrating their system to a more robust e-commerce platform.

Ping Identity icon


Ping Identity

Austin, TX and Remote from Boulder, CO

automated testing


I was attracted to the Ping Austin team by their commitment to quality, and I joined their new Cloud team as a Software Engineer in Test in 2017.



As the platform grew over the next year, we identified a need for a more robust CI/CD process, and I decided to transfer to the DevTools team as a Software Engineer to help with these efforts in 2019.

team silhouettes


As our team continued to successfully add new features and improve the platform, I became a Senior Software Engineer in 2021. I also continued to gain valuable leadership experience when I took on the role of Engineering Manager at the end of the year.

Web and climate image

July 2022 - Present

Career Shift to Full-Stack Climate or Civic Tech

Boulder, CO

Ultimately, I decided I most enjoyed leading from the technical side. At the same time, I wanted to expand my skill set from DevOps to more full-stack engineering, so I took some time to deepen my knowledge across the stack and now have a richer skill set to offer.

I also want to take this opportunity to more closely align my work with my values. I have been concerned about the climate crisis for a long time now. Fortunately for me, people are doing work across many different industries to address this complex issue, which is not only an environmental one, but a social and economic one as well. I would love to be able to harness the energy and dedication I naturally bring to my job to help bring about hopeful and meaningful change.


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